NLN is a Christian non-profit organization founded in 2002. Our focus is to point all who are touched by this ministry to the love of God. We exist to engage, equip, & empower the people of Nicaragua, as they grow in their knowledge of the changing power of salvation through Jesus Christ. We envision real & lasting change, as we serve to provide nutrition, housing, job training and discipleship.
We Feed
We have initiated feeding programs for two barrios in Nicaragua, under the guidance of the local church. These programs provide nutritious meals that help to alleviate diseases and complications of malnutrition. This important element to holistic care provides a basic need, and grows healthier and happier children.

We Build Homes
For The Poor
In 2009, NLN began a new ministry in Cristo Rey, a barrio set near a landfill and engulfed in extreme poverty. Many people lacked the basic needs of shelter, water, and electricity. We built the first home there in 2010, and have since constructed over 300 homes.
We Resource
NLN always works through the local church. We develop relationships with pastors, and support their programs that minister to children and families. We manage resources that are donated and advocate for their needs.
We Love and Care
For Orphans
In 2005, NLN became a home for orphans. Over the next ten years, we witnessed 200 world-wide adoptions from our ministry. In 2015, Nicaragua began to focus on the front side of orphan care, and concentrated their efforts on supporting the families of these children. Since that time, NLN has also continued to focus on the extensive needs of families who care for these at-risk children.
We Care For
At-Risk Children And Families
Our feeding programs are focused on reaching children whose families are in extreme poverty and are unable to provide sufficient nutrition, both in Cristo Rey and Managua. Our children's center located in Managua, not only provides meals, but gives essential care to at-risk children throughout the day.
We Resource
NLN believes in empowering people to help themselves. Through skill training, we give people the opportunity to work and earn a living. There are vocational opportunities available in Cristo Rey that include sewing and baking programs. We help to run these programs by resourcing donations given through our ministry partners.